Knapp Veterinary Hospital, Inc.

596 Oakland Park Avenue
Columbus, OH 43214


Holiday Safety

Holiday pets

Holiday Plants

  • Poisonous plants include, but are not limited to:
  • These can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or other serious health problems.


  • Bones and table scraps can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Keep candy in a cabinet where your pet cannot reach. Some animals are able to open cabinets and doors.
    • Candy wrappers can be harmful - they may block the digestive tract.
  • Chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, seizures, or even death if even small quantities are consumed.
    • The level of toxicity depends on how much and what kind of chocolate was eaten as well as the size and overall health of your pet.
    • Types of chocolate include (from least to most toxic):
      • White/milk chocolate
      • Dark chocolate (semi-sweet, dark)
      • Unsweetened chocolate (baker's/baking chocolate)
      • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • If ANY chocolate is consumed, call your veterinarian or emergency center IMMEDIATELY.
  • ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center has more information.
  • Make sure your pet cannot reach any sugar free products such as Trident. The xylitol in such products can cause severe health problems or even death. ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center has more information.
  • Raisins, some nuts, and onions/chives are also toxic and should be treated immediately if ingested.

Holiday Tree

  • Hang breakable and small objects out of reach.
  • Do not place food gifts under the tree or popcorn garland on the tree.
  • Do not add chemicals to the tree water - if your pet drinks the water these chemicals may be harmful.
  • Keep tinsel out of reach.

Lights And Candles

  • Tape any exposed electrical cords to walls or floors to deter chewing.
  • Keep candles out of reach and do not leave unattended.

Gift Wrapping

  • Gift wrapping can be harmful if swallowed. It may cause choking, upset stomach, or more serious problems such as intestinal obstruction.
  • Do not allow your pet to play with or chew small objects, ribbon, or wrapping paper.

Hours of Operation

Monday:    7am - 7pm
Tuesday:   7am - 7pm
Wednesday: 7am - 7pm
Thursday:  7am - 7pm
Friday:    7am - 7pm
Saturday:  7am - 4pm 
Sunday:    Closed

Appointments begin at 8 am

Phone: 614-267-3124
Fax: 614-267-0049

596 Oakland Park Ave.
Columbus, OH 43214