Knapp Veterinary Hospital, Inc.

596 Oakland Park Avenue
Columbus, OH 43214


Routine Dental Care

Dog holding tooth brush

The best, most recommended, option is daily teeth brushing. Since plaque can turn into tartar in as little as 24 hours it's important to take care of the problem before it starts. Be aware that you should not use human toothpaste for your pet, but rather special pet toothpaste, which is usually chicken flavored. The act of brushing their teeth helps a great deal on its own so you can support a healthy mouth even if you're unable to get the pet toothpaste.

If this isn't ideal for your situation then your second best option is to use Oravet gel. This product is applied to your pet's teeth once weekly and prevents plaque and tartar from adhering to the teeth. The plaque and tartar will still form, but you will be able to remove it easily since it will be attached to the Oravet gel instead of the tooth.

Cat Oral Health

We realize that some pets will absolutely not tolerate you brushing their teeth or applying Oravet. Along with finger brushes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and Oravet, we offer a variety of products to suit your needs such as Tartar Prevention Diets, Treats/Chews, Oral Rinses, and Water Additives.

**Click on the image to make it larger.**

How to brush your pet's teeth

Hours of Operation

Monday:    7am - 7pm
Tuesday:   7am - 7pm
Wednesday: 7am - 7pm
Thursday:  7am - 7pm
Friday:    7am - 7pm
Saturday:  7am - 4pm 
Sunday:    Closed

Appointments begin at 8 am

Phone: 614-267-3124
Fax: 614-267-0049

596 Oakland Park Ave.
Columbus, OH 43214